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Period of residence

You can become a Finnish citizen if you live in Finland and if the total time you have lived in Finland (your period of residence) is long enough.

You have lived in Finland long enough if

  • you have lived in Finland for the past five years without interruption (continuous period of residence), or
  • you have lived in Finland for seven years in total, with the last two years without interruption (accumulated period of residence). Read more about the accumulated period of residence.

If you have had a temporary residence permit (a B permit): 

  • Half of the time you have lived in Finland with a B permit before getting an A permit will be counted towards your continuous period of residence.
  • When you apply for Finnish citizenship, you must have either a valid continuous residence permit (A permit) or a permanent residence permit (P permit).
  • You must have lived in Finland with either a continuous or a permanent residence permit (A or P permit) for at least one year before your citizenship application is decided.

In certain situations, living in Finland for less than five years is enough

The period of residence required of you is shorter if any of the following conditions applies to you.