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The residents at the reception centres feel safe but lack meaningful activities

Publication date 24.10.2016 9.24
News item

The Finnish Immigration Service carried out a client survey in the reception centres during summer 2016. The asylum seekers were asked to assess, among other things, how secure they felt, their own role as clients and their treatment by the staff at the centres.

Approximately 3,140 asylum seekers in 81 reception centres took part in the survey. Reception units for unaccompanied minors were also included in the survey.

The remote location of the reception centres a cause for frustration

The results of the survey reveal that the asylum seekers in both the reception centres for adults and the reception units for unaccompanied minors are for the most part satisfied with the staff at the centres. However, some wished that the staff would be easier to get hold of.

Those who took part in the survey felt that they were as a rule being treated well but in some reception centres asylum seekers felt that not all residents were being treated equally.

Some asylum seekers were also frustrated by the lack of meaningful activities and the remote location of some of the reception centres.

Asylum seekers request activities exclusively for women and children

The majority of the asylum seekers who took part in the survey reported that they felt safe in the reception centre.

Female asylum seekers wished for more activities for women as well as female interpreters, for example when visiting a nurse. In addition, a lack of opportunities for work and education was reported by many asylum seekers. In the units for unaccompanied minors, the most common worries had to do with hobbies and school.

A good result as the number of asylum seekers was exceptionally high last year

The extent of the survey carried out this year is exceptional, as there are now a higher number of reception centres in Finland than ever before.

The operations in many reception centres were relatively new at the time that the survey was carried out. Despite this exceptional situation, as a rule the reception centres have been able to produce high-quality services and offer a positive experience for their residents.

The results from the survey will be used to improve the services at the reception centres.

Read a summary of the results of the survey here

Summary of results from units for unaccompanied minorsReadSpeakerpdf, 173,6 kB (available only in Finnish)

Summary of results from units for adults and familiesReadSpeakerpdf, 174,2 kB (available only in Finnish)

Further information for the media

Olli Snellman, Head of Section, Reception Unit, tel. +358 295 430 431,

Press release