You can find the most recent statistics in the statistical service of the Finnish Immigration Service at
The statistical service provides statistics on applications and decisions concerning residence permits, registration of EU citizens, international protection and citizenship, as well as statistics concerning removal from the country. The statistics are updated in the beginning of each month. Information about using the service and explanations on terminology can be found on the page Using the statistical service.
In the menu to the left you will find the following other statistics:
Statistics requests subject to a charge
On request, we also provide other statistics that are easily accessible from the Register of Aliens.
These requests are subject to a processing fee, as laid down in the government decree on fees. The fee is EUR 97.00 per hour (+ VAT), charged based on the actual amount of work involved. After receiving a request, the Finnish Immigration Service will provide an estimation of the cost and delivery date for the request. After receiving the estimate, you can confirm your commission.
Statistics requests can be sent to tietopalvelut(at)