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Amendments to the Aliens Act will enter into force on 1 September 2024. This page may contain outdated information after the amendments have entered into force. We will update the page as soon as possible. Read more about the amendments to the Aliens Act:
- Information on the stricter residence permit requirements
- Stricter identification requirements regarding residence permit applicants

Processing of applications

The Finnish Immigration Service grants several kinds of permits. Although the application process for each permit is slightly different, this is a broad outline of how we process applications.

For first-time residence permit applicants:

  • If you submit your application abroad, you cannot come to Finland while your application is being processed to wait for a decision and get your residence permit card here.
  • If you arrive in Finland while your application is being processed and you wish to wait for a decision here, you need to cancel the application that you submitted outside Finland and submit a new residence permit application in Finland. We will charge you a new processing fee if you submit a new application.
  • If you were in Finland when you submitted your application, you may wait in Finland while your application is being processed. You may wait in Finland even if your visa-free period of residence ends or your visa expires while you are waiting.