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Finnish Immigration Service on social media

The Finnish Immigration Service has official accounts on several social media platforms.

For data security reasons, we do not reply to private messages on social media.

The Finnish Immigration Service does not have any other accounts on social media besides the accounts listed on this page.

The Finnish Immigration Service is using artificial intelligence (AI) to help generate communications materials. However, a human at the Finnish Immigration Service is always responsible for the use of such content. The Finnish Immigration Service does not publish any content without human review and processing.

When using artificial intelligence, we make sure that we comply with data protection requirements and data security principles. We do not enter any personal data in any AI applications, for example, and AI is only used to process public information. We do not use artificial intelligence to make decisions or to process applications.


Videos produced by the Finnish Immigration Service are available on our YouTube channel.


The main audience of our Facebook page, Maahanmuuttovirasto, are customers of the Finnish Immigration Service. On Facebook, we share current information and instructions on, for instance, residence permits, citizenship and the asylum application procedure.

The Facebook profile is maintained by the Press and Communications Services of the Finnish Immigration Service. On the Facebook page, we answer general questions posted by customers. Polite and genuine questions will be replied to. We cannot comment on an individual customer’s decision or tell the situation of a customer’s application. You can write to us in English, Finnish or Swedish.

The following types of questions and comments will be hidden or, in some cases, deleted from the page:

  • Comments and questions repeated in several posts on the page. We will keep one of them visible and hide the rest. 
  • Comments that can be suspected to be posted by trolls. 
  • Posts that contain swearing or other foul language. 
  • Posts with the intention to insult or abuse someone.

We have decided to reserve the Facebook page for customer guidance, which is why, as a rule, we do not comment on social issues on Facebook. To discuss social issues with us, you can contact us on X.

X & Bluesky

Our username is @Maahanmuuttovir on X and on Bluesky. We use X and Bluesky to tell about the work of the Finnish Immigration Service and share current information on statistics, for example. We also share all press releases of the Finnish Immigration Service in both channels. You can discuss with us and ask questions about the subject matters that the agency is responsible for.

The accounts are maintained by the Communications Unit of the Finnish Immigration Service.

As in all other channels, we will be open and transparent and communicate based on facts. If necessary, we can comment in line with the core values of public authorities in Finland, such as take a stand against racism or make statements in favour of the fundamental and human rights and the principle of the rule of law.

Principles of conversation

On X and Bluesky, we will reply to all polite and genuine questions impartially. We refrain from engaging in long-lasting arguments.

If the topic of a question is not within our domain, we will guide the person who posted the question to contact the right authority.

Due to confidentiality, we cannot comment on an individual customer’s matters on X or Bluesky.

Users that repeatedly share us racist material, material inciting to commit an offence or other disturbing material can be blocked from contacting the profiles of the Finnish Immigration Service. We will not inform separately of blocking.


On our LinkedIn page, Maahanmuuttovirasto, we share information about careers and open positions at the Finnish Immigration Service. We post news items, report from events and share information about the versatile career opportunities at the Finnish Immigration Service.


Our Instagram account, @maahanmuuttovir, is intended for students, researchers and international talent moving to Finland for work. We use Instagram to share information about residence permits for these customer segments.

On Instagram, you can ask us questions in Finnish, English or Swedish.


Our reddit username is u/maahanmuuttovir.

On Reddit, we host AMA sessions (Ask Me Anything sessions). In an AMA session, we respond to questions and inform of permits and our services. You can ask us questions in Finnish, English or Swedish.

You can also tag us if you want to ask us about something in a post.


The Finnish Immigration Service has a Telegram channel, @MaahanmuuttovirUK, that is intended for Ukrainians and other clients of the Finnish Immigration Service who have moved to Finland from Ukraine.

We share information about current issues that affect Ukrainians, such as about temporary protection and reception centre services. We also share links to instructions published by other authorities.

The posts are in Ukrainian and in Finnish.