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Residence permit

Post-decision monitoring of residence permits

We are conducting post-decision monitoring of residence permits. Post-decision monitoring means that we check whether you still meet the requirements for your residence permit. The purpose of post-decision monitoring of residence permits is to ensure that residence permits are used for the purpose they have been issued: to study, to run a business, to work, or to live as a family in Finland, for example.

The scope of post-decision monitoring may change from year to year. Some aspects are permanent. In 2021, for example, we conducted post-decision monitoring of extended permits that had been granted to spouses of Finnish citizens or on the basis of work that required a partial decision. 

If we notice that the requirements for a residence permit might no longer be met, we may start considering the withdrawal of the permit. If there is reason to consider the withdrawal of a residence permit, a Finnish Immigration Service official will assess the case. Before we decide to cancel a permit, we will always ask you and your family member who lives in Finland of your opinions on the possible withdrawal. See the page Withdrawal of residence permits for more information.

Which residence permits are subject to post-decision monitoring?

We have carried out post-decision monitoring since 2017. In the autumn of 2023, we introduced automation to help with the monitoring. At the moment, we are conducting automated post-decision monitoring of students’, startup entrepreneurs’, specialists' and employed persons residence permits.

The legislation covering students’ residence permits was amended in 2022, making it easier for international students to focus on their studies. A residence permit for studies is currently granted for the entire duration of the studies. Therefore, as a rule, students do not need to apply for an extended permit since their first residence permits are valid for several years at a time. Before the amendments in legislation, the requirements for the permit were inspected when students applied for an extended permit.

Post-decision monitoring makes it possible for foreign talent to start working or begin their studies in Finland easily and without unnecessary delays as intervening in potential infringements can be done quickly and accurately.

Automatic post-decision monitoring

The automatic post-decision monitoring that we conduct is based on register controls. We may carry out register checks in a selection of national registers, including the registers of Kela (, the Koski register (in Finnish, Population Information System of Finland (, the Incomes Register (, and the registers of the Legal Register Centre ( We can use register checks to assess whether the holder of a residence permit still meets the permit requirements. 

What does automated post-decision monitoring involve?

Automated post-decision monitoring of residence permits focuses on the key requirements of the permit. We will check, for example, the following facts:

  • Have you moved to Finland?
  • How do you support yourself in Finland?
  • Have you conducted any crimes in Finland?
  • If you are a student, are you making progress in your studies and is your right to study valid?
  • If you are working, we will check that your salary meets the salary level requirement associated with the permit.

You will also need to meet the rest of the requirements for the permit.