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Asylum seekers’ right to study

The Aliens Act does not restrict asylum seekers’ right to study. If you are an asylum seeker, you can apply for and accept a study place if this is not against the rules and regulations of the educational institution in question.

However, receiving a study place does not mean that you will be allowed to stay in Finland. When we process your asylum application, we examine your right to receive international protection.

You cannot get a residence permit on the basis of studies if you have applied for asylum

You cannot get a residence permit in Finland on the basis of studies if you are staying in Finland and 

  • you have applied for asylum and have not received a decision on your application yet or 
  • you have received a negative decision on your asylum application.

This applies to all asylum seekers staying in Finland regardless of when they have submitted their asylum application or received a negative decision on their application.

If you apply for a residence permit for studies while staying in Finland, the Finnish Immigration Service will consider your application inadmissible. This applies to all applications that have not been decided by the Finnish Immigration Service by 31 August 2024 at the latest. 

If you want to apply for a residence permit in Finland on the basis of studies, you need to leave Finland and visit a Finnish mission (embassy or consulate) in your home country or country of permanent residence to apply for the permit. For more information, see the page Studying in Finland.

You can apply for an extended permit for studies if you have a residence permit

If you have received a residence permit in Finland on the basis of your asylum application or on some other grounds, you can apply for an extended permit on the basis of studies, if you wish. The fact that you have applied for asylum in Finland before has no effect in that case.