Arrangements for returning old prepaid card funds to reception centre clients continue

Publication date 2.5.2024 10.00
Type:Press release

Reception centre clients have previously held PFS prepaid cards for receiving their reception allowance and salary payments. The contract with the card provider, PFS, has expired. All cards were closed by 30 November 2023.

The card provider company, PFS, is being wound down. The closed card accounts may still contain funds belonging to clients who did not withdraw their money before the cards were closed or did not switch over to the new card provider’s prepaid card on time. PFS has informed us that the funds in the closed accounts are safe. Clients will still have to wait for the remaining funds to be paid back. This delay is beyond the control of the Finnish Immigration Service. We are actively seeking a solution to this.

If you have requested repayment of remaining funds

If you have requested to be paid back the funds that remain on your closed PFS prepaid card, please wait patiently. We are investigating the matter and will contact you once we know more. We try to have the funds transferred back to you from your closed card account as soon as possible.

We apologise for the situation and the inconvenience it is causing. The new prepaid cards that are currently in use are working normally.

Customer bulletin