Technical difficulties and interruptions in Enter Finland
Technical difficulties
From time to time, Enter Finland experiences technical difficulties that affect the availability of the service. On this page you will find up-to-date information on technical difficulties as well as instructions for users.
If you use strong identification in Enter Finland, you cannot change the email address that is connected to your user account at the moment. You can log in to your account despite the problem.
If you do not have access to your email account that is currently connected to your user account, you cannot receive email notifications about, for example, requests for additional information or decisions that you have received in Enter Finland. Log in to your Enter Finland account regularly to check whether you have received messages about the processing of your application.
We are investigating the technical problem and working to fix it. We apologise for the inconvenience. Once the problem is fixed, we will update the information on this page.
If you use Enter Finland on your mobile phone, you may not see all the buttons on the start page. If you cannot see the buttons ‘Send additional information’ or ‘New application’, rotate your phone horizontally or use a computer.
When you pay the processing fee for an application, the payment may fail if
- you close your browser before the payment has been finished, or if
- a technical failure interrupts the payment before confirmation.
If your payment fails, you will see an error message stating ”Payment has been started by another person”. If you see this error message, please contact our help desk at
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by the technical problems.
There are sometimes service breaks in the online service Enter Finland during which you may not be able to log in to the service. Information about a service break can be found on the start page of Enter Finland.
The service breaks in Enter Finland usually last for 2–4 hours. There are very seldom service breaks lasting for longer than 24 hours.
You do not have to inform the Finnish Immigration Service if you are unable to log in to Enter Finland. You are not required to do anything if you have problems with login.
Follow these instructions during a service break in Enter Finland:
1. Wait until you can log in to the service again
When the service break is over, we will delete the message about the service break on the Enter Finland start page.
2. If you are unable to log in to Enter Finland the following day, follow these instructions for different situations:
1. You have received a request for additional information and have not yet replied
- Wait until the service break is over and you can log in to Enter Finland. Reply to the request as soon as you can log in again.
- If you cannot reply to the request before the given time limit expires, you can ask for more time to reply. In that case, the time limit will be extended with two weeks.
- Call the Finnish Immigration Service’s customer guidance services and ask for more time to reply to the request for additional information. Mention that you have not been able to reply to the request due to a service break in Enter Finland that has lasted for more than one day.
- When the time limit has been extended, you can reply to the request within two weeks even though the original time limit may expire. You may still receive automated messages asking you to reply to the request before the original time limit. You can ignore these messages. The settings for automated messages will not change although our customer service extends your time limit for replying to the request.
2. You have to submit your application urgently
- Wait until the service break is over and you can log in to Enter Finland again. Submit the application as soon as you can log in.
3. You have received a decision in Enter Finland
- Wait until the service break is over and you can log in to Enter Finland again. You can read the decision when the service break is over.