Assistance system for victims of human trafficking
Are you a victim of human trafficking?
You can call us at +358 2954 63177 (24 h) or email us at
We will help you even if you are in Finland illegally.
What is human trafficking?
Human trafficking is a serious crime against an individual’s personal freedom. A victim of human trafficking is forced to stay in a situation where he or she is exploited and unable to leave. A human trafficker may keep the victim in his or her control for example by threatening the victim or the victim’s loved ones with violence, or with a loss of their residence permits. The human trafficker may also demand that the victim should pay back an unreasonably high debt.
A victim of human trafficking may for example be forced into sex work or heavy work without a proper pay or days off.
Human trafficking is often linked to organised crime. However, the victim may also know the human trafficker personally.
I suspect a human trafficking situation. Who should I contact?
If you suspect that you have encountered a human trafficking situation, you may contact the police or the Assistance system for victims of human trafficking.
In dangerous situations and emergencies, call the emergency number 112.
Assistance system for victims of human trafficking
The assistance system for victims of human trafficking helps and supports victims of human trafficking. Help is always tailored to each victim’s individual needs.
The following help may be offered:
- accommodation
- advice and guidance, including legal advice
- social services
- health care services
- financial support
- interpretation and translation services
If the victim of human trafficking does not have a municipality of residence in Finland, for example because he or she is still applying for a residence permit, the assistance system will organise the necessary help.
If the victim has a municipality of residence in Finland, the municipality will help him or her. In both cases, the victim is first referred to the assistance system.
How to get help from the assistance system?
An authority, a worker in an organisation or another person who helps the victim of human trafficking contacts the assistance system and proposes that the victim be included in the system.
After this, the specialists of the assistance system decide whether the assistance system takes the person on as a client. The workers of the assistance system assess the victim’s need for help and support. They agree on the support measures with the victim. Support measures will not be given if the victim of human trafficking does not want any help.
The assistance system can also help the victim’s children if they are in Finland, younger than 18 and in need of help.
More information about the assistance system
Read more about the work of the Assistance system for victims of human trafficking and the help the victims can get in Finland: ihmiskauppa.fiLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab
Statistics and reports
The assistance system for victims of human trafficking Link to an external website, Opens in a new tabpublishes an overview of its work every six months.