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Release from Finnish citizenship

You may request to be released from Finnish citizenship if you hold the citizenship of another country. 

You cannot be released from Finnish citizenship if:

  • the release would make you stateless; or
  • you have a municipality of residence in Finland and the purpose of the release is to avoid military service.

Apply for release from Finnish citizenship with this application: Application for release from Finnish citizenship, KAN_3 (pdf) (available in Finnish and Swedish)

If you apply for the citizenship of another country and are required to be released from Finnish citizenship before obtaining a new citizenship

Begin by applying for release from Finnish citizenship. We will issue a conditional decision on the release. The release from Finnish citizenship is final only after you have obtained the citizenship of another country and have submitted evidence of this. Such evidence can be, for instance, a citizenship decision or a copy of a passport issued to you by your new country of nationality.

Child’s release from Finnish citizenship

You can apply for release from Finnish citizenship for a child who is under 18 years of age and in your custody. 

Use the following supplement forms for children (available in Finnish and Swedish):

When you fill in the form, a child who is 12–14 years old must sign the section on hearing. A child’s release from Finnish citizenship requires the consent of both parents or persons who have custody of the child. A child who is 15 years old or older must also give his or her own consent.

If a child alone is applying for release from Finnish citizenship, the application may also be made by the child’s guardian ('edunvalvoja' in Finnish). Fill in the application form: Application for a child’s release from Finnish citizenship, KAN_10 (pdf) (available in Finnish and Swedish).

The child must be present at the service point or the Finnish mission where the application is submitted. The identity of the adult (the child's parent or the person who has custody of the child or the child's guardian) will always be verified. The identity of the child will also be verified if he or she has a passport or an identity document. The identities will be checked by the Finnish mission abroad or the Finnish Immigration Service in Finland.