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Book an appointment at a service point in advance

Book an appointment in our appointment system to prove your identity or to submit your application at one of our service points, if you are in Finland and you apply for:

  • a residence permit;
  • a travel document;
  • citizenship;
  • EU registration.

You can choose at which service point you wish to book an appointment. If you are abroad, you can visit a Finnish mission (embassy or consulate). See their contact information on the website of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

If you are applying for an extended permit online in Enter Finland, submit your application before your current permit expires. In that way, your application will be pending and your right to work will remain in accordance with your old permit. If you submit your application for an extended permit online in Enter Finland in time, you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity before your permit expires.

If you have a residence permit for studies, do not apply for an extended permit before you have completed the necessary ECTS credits.

If you are an asylum seeker, you will receive an invitation to an asylum interview. You do not need to book an appointment.

For instructions on how to book an appointment, see the page Booking an appointment.

Please be aware that you should not buy an appointment to our service point booked by someone else. We delete all such appointments that have been booked with the intention of selling them to another person. You can only book an appointment by using our appointment system.

Save your reservation key and PIN code

alt=""Please make sure that the contact details you have given are correct. When you have successfully booked an appointment, you will receive a confirmation and reminders of your appointment by email and by text message. If you receive an error message, please try to book an appointment for a later time.

Keep the reservation key and PIN code you received when you booked your appointment. You can use them to:

  • check your appointment details;
  • change or cancel the appointment;
  • edit your contact details.

Change or cancel your appointment in the appointment system

If you cannot come to an appointment that you have booked, remember to cancel or change it in the appointment system. If you do not have the reservation key and PIN code, cancel your appointment by sending an email to You cannot change your appointment by email.

If you want to change or cancel your appointment, you must do it at least 4 hours before the appointment. An unattended appointment that has not been cancelled will cost you 50 euros.

If you want to change the reason for your appointment, you do not have to do anything. Tell the real reason at the counter and make sure that you have filled in the right application.

You can only book an appointment online

If you need help with booking an appointment, you can call our customer service or visit one of our service points. Take a waiting number upon arrival.

You cannot book an appointment or change your appointment by email.

Booking an appointment for more than one application or applicant

If you need to submit two separate applications, you must book two appointments. One appointment is enough, however, if you are applying for a residence permit and an alien’s passport or a refugee travel document at the same time.

If you are applying together with your spouse or your children, you have to book a family appointment. A maximum of six persons may attend one family appointment. If there are more applicants, you must book two family appointments. If a group of students or co-workers wants to handle their matters together, each customer must book a separate appointment (one appointment for each application). Choose the service category based on what you yourself are applying for.

For instructions on how to book more than one appointment, see the last part of the instruction ‘How to book an appointment at a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service’. See also the video ‘Booking an appointment at a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service’.


New appointments become available in the appointment system regularly

If appointments for a certain time period are not yet available, please check again later.

Only use waiting numbers for urgent matters

Your matter is urgent if you have not been able to find an appointment time in the appointment system and

  • your residence permit will expire within the next three months, or
  • your passport issued by Finland will expire within the next three months.

Because the waiting times may be long, we strongly recommend that you book an appointment in advance.

Remember these things when you book an appointment

Customer bulletins - customer service