We use automation in the processing of applications, in decision-making and in post-decision monitoring of residence permits.
The Finnish Immigration Service has formulated rules for assistive automation. Based on these rules, our data system verifies that your application meets the requirements laid down in law for issuing a residence permit, granting Finnish citizenship, renewing a card, or registering an EU citizen’s right of residence. To perform the necessary checks, our system uses the data you have given in your application, for example, as well as data from official registers.
Applications are directed to different processing paths based on, for example, the need for having an official review your application and assess if a requirement is met in your case.
You can help us process your application faster by completing the application form on Enter Finland with care and by adding all the required attachments to the application.
Our data system may issue an automated decision on certain types of applications. An automated decision is possible if your application meets the criteria for automated decision-making, which have been determined by the Finnish Immigration Service. Your application must also meet the legal requirements for the residence permit you are applying for or the legal requirements for obtaining Finnish citizenship, renewing a card or registering an EU citizen’s right of residence.
Negative decisions and decisions that require consideration are not made automatically.
For more information, see the page Automated decision.
Post-decision monitoring of residence permits means that we check whether you still meet the requirements for the permit that has been granted to you. The purpose of post-decision monitoring of residence permits is to ensure that permits are used for the purpose they have been issued.
Automated post-decision monitoring is based on register checks. Register checks help us verify automatically that the holder of a residence permit still meets the permit requirements.
For more information, see the page Post-decision monitoring of residence permits.