Accommodation for seasonal workers
Seasonal workers must have appropriate accommodation in Finland during the entire time their seasonal work permits are valid. The accommodation must meet the generally acknowledged standards for housing in Finland.
The house or apartment must, among other things:
be warm and fire-safe
be equipped with sufficient toilet and bathroom facilities
have warm water for washing
have sufficient sleeping space.
The accommodation must also meet the general health protection requirements that are in force in Finland. This means that the conditions in the apartment regarding indoor air quality, temperature, moisture, noise, ventilation, lighting, radiation, and other similar circumstances must be such that they do not damage the resident’s health.
The presence of microbes and animals must remain on a level that does not pose a health risk.
Inform the Finnish Immigration Service of any changes in your accommodation arrangements. If your employer has arranged the accommodation for you, your employer has an obligation to inform the Finnish Immigration Service of any changes in your accommodation arrangements.
Accommodation arranged by employer
If your accommodation is arranged by your employer, the employer must assure that you will have appropriate accommodation that ensures an adequate standard of living for the duration of your stay in Finland. The Finnish Immigration Service may grant you a seasonal work permit only after this assurance.
Please note the following requirements if your accommodation is arranged by or through your employer:
You may be required to pay rent. The rent must not be excessive compared with your wage and compared with the quality of the accommodation. Your employer is not allowed to automatically deduct the rent from your wages.
Your employer must sign a written agreement with you on the rental conditions of the accommodation. The terms must be clearly stated in the agreement.
Your employer must ensure that your accommodation meets the general health and safety standards.
More information about living conditions
Provisions on the health standards in housing and other residential buildings and on health hazards are laid down in the Health Protection Act (
Provisions on the health-related conditions of housing and other residential buildings are laid down in the Health Protection Decree ( The Decree contains provisions on the maximum number of people allowed to reside in an apartment or living space. Further, the Decree contains provisions on the physical, chemical and biological exposure factors of housing and other residential buildings.
Provisions on living spaces, accommodation and workspaces are laid down in the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment (