Registration of the right of residence of a citizen of the European Union
Apply for the registration of your right of residence (EU registration) if:
- you are a citizen of an EU Member State, Liechtenstein or Switzerland; and
- you will be staying in Finland for over 3 months at a time.
If you are a Nordic citizen (citizen of Denmark, Iceland, Norway or Sweden), register your personal data at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Nordic citizens do not need to apply for EU registration at the Finnish Immigration Service.
The registration of your right of residence is valid until further notice. You will not have to extend the validity of the registration. When you have resided legally in Finland for a continuous period of 5 years, you have the right of permanent residence.
If you have registered your right of residence earlier and you now need a copy of the original registration certificate, please submit a certificate request to the Finnish Immigration Service.
You can watch our instructional video which shows how you can apply for the registration of an EU citizen's right of residence in the Enter Finland online service. The video will explain what the requirements for EU registration are, and what is your right to work during the EU registration process. It will also explain how you can get a permanent address in Finland. You can find the video on our Youtube channel: How to register an EU citizen's right of residence (
This is what you should do:
Make sure you meet the following requirements:
You are in Finland as:
- an employee;
- a self-employed person;
- a student; or
- a family member of an EU citizen.
- If you apply for EU registration as a family member of a Finnish citizen, your family member must have exercised his or her right of free movement. Your Finnish family member must have lived in an EU Member State other than Finland, or in a country comparable to EU Member States, for at least 3 months.
- The relationship that made you each other’s family members must have begun or strengthened while you were residing in an EU Member State other than Finland.
- If you and your family member do not move from the other Member State to Finland simultaneously, your Finnish family member needs to have moved to Finland first, before you.
- You and your Finnish family member need to have moved to Finland directly from the other Member State. If you have lived in a third country between your residence in a Member State and your move to Finland, apply for a residence permit as a spouse of a Finnish citizen.
- If your Finnish family member holds the citizenship of another EU Member State and has only lived in the Member States where he or she holds citizenship, your family member has not exercised his or her right of free movement. In such a case, you need to apply for a residence permit as a spouse of a Finnish citizen.
- When you apply for EU registration as a family member of a Finnish citizen, you are not required to present documentation of sufficient financial resources.
- If you apply for EU registration as a family member of a Finnish citizen, your family member must have exercised his or her right of free movement. Your Finnish family member must have lived in an EU Member State other than Finland, or in a country comparable to EU Member States, for at least 3 months.
If none of these grounds are applicable to you, you may still stay in Finland as long as you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family members.
It is possible that more than one of these grounds are applicable to you during your stay in Finland. Even if your grounds for residence change, you do not need to renew your EU registration.
- If you apply for EU registration on the basis of sufficient financial resources, you are not required to have a specific amount of money. However, you must have enough funds to support yourself and your family members. Social assistance, for example, must not be your principal means of support. When assessing whether or not your financial resources are sufficient, the Finnish Immigration Service will consider your personal circumstances.
- Different grounds for residence have different requirements when it comes to financial resources.
- If you are an employee or a self-employed person, no specific amount of money is required but you need to present documentation of your employment or self-employment.
- If your employment relationship or self-employment has ended or you have become incapable for work, attach documents as proof of this to your application.
- If you are a student, you must give an assurance of sufficient financial resources.
- See the section "Attachments" for a list of what documents are required for your grounds for residence.
Make sure you have all the attachments needed:
If you are an employee, attach to your application the following documents:
- Employment contract or other document issued by your employer as proof of a valid employment relationship.
- You can also attach, for example, the following documents:
- payslips, if you have a zero-hours contract (you will speed up the processing of your application if you send us your payslips)
- some of your most recent bank statements (from the past 3 months, for instance) as proof of having received a salary into your bank account.
If you are self-employed, attach to your application the following documents:
- Documents as proof of self-employment, for example:
- the company’s trade register extract
- the company’s most recent financial statements
- your personal tax decisions
- the company’s client contracts or commission invoices
- certificate of valid YEL insurance (self-employed persons' pension insurance)
- your and your company’s most recent bank statements from the past 3 months, for example.
If you are self-employed without your own company (‘kevytyrittäjä’ in Finnish), meaning that you use an invoicing service company to send invoices to your customers, attach the following documents to your application:
- Documents as proof of having started self-employment without your own company (that is, proof of working as a ‘kevytyrittäjä’ through an invoicing service company), for example:
- commission agreement
- invoices that show the number of hours you have worked
- your most recent bank statements from the past 3 months, for example, showing the name of the account holder and all account transactions.
If you are unemployed, attach to your application the following documents:
- If your employment relationship or self-employment has ended or you have become incapable for work, attach documents as proof of this to your application.
- Depending on your situation, you can submit, for instance, the following attachments:
- Document from your employer stating the reason why the employment ended and, if you are unemployed, a certificate of unemployment from employment services.
- If you were self-employed, document stating why your self-employment ended.
- Documents on vocational education and training.
- Doctor’s certificate on incapacity for work (no more than 6 months old).
If you are a student, attach to your application the following documents:
- documents as proof of your studies, for example:
- certificate of attendance from your educational institution
- transcript of study records
- assurance of having sufficient financial resources for yourself and for your family members.
If you are a spouse, attach to your application the following documents:
- document on family ties. It can be, for instance, a marriage certificate or some other document that proves your family ties.
- The document must be legalised if it has been issued by a country that is not a Nordic country or an EU Member State.
- If you have been divorced, your spouse has died or your spouse has moved away from Finland, attach to your application evidence of the grounds on which you have resided in Finland since then.
- If you are a family member of a Finnish citizen, fill in the supplement form Suomen kansalaisen vapaan liikkumisoikeuden käyttö (pdf).
If you are a cohabiting partner, attach to your application the following documents:
- evidence of cohabitation, such as a rental agreement, an extract from the register of occupants or some other document proving that you and your partner have lived together for at least 2 years or proving that you have a child in your joint custody.
- If you have been divorced, your cohabiting partner has died or your cohabiting partner has moved away from Finland, attach to your application evidence of the grounds on which you have resided in Finland since then.
- If you are a family member of a Finnish citizen, fill in the supplement form Suomen kansalaisen vapaan liikkumisoikeuden käyttö (pdf).
If you are a parent or have custody of a child, attach to your application the following documents:
- document on family ties, such as a certificate of having custody of the child, or some other document that proves your family ties.
- The document must be legalised if it has been issued by a country that is not a Nordic country or an EU Member State.
- If you are a family member of a Finnish citizen, fill in the supplement form Suomen kansalaisen vapaan liikkumisoikeuden käyttö (pdf).
If you apply for EU registration for your child, attach the following documents to the application:
- document on family ties, such as a birth certificate or some other document that proves your family ties.
- The document must be legalised if it has been issued by a country that is not a Nordic country or an EU Member State.
- information about the child’s other parent or guardian if this other parent or guardian is not your spouse or cohabiting partner:
- last name, first name, date of birth or personal identity code, citizenship, address and email address.
- other parent’s or guardian’s consent that has been confirmed by a notary.
If you are a dependent parent, attach the following documents to your application:
- evidence of being dependent on someone. This could be, for instance, a document regarding your health, your need of assistance and the financial support you are getting from your family member. You can also submit evidence of having lived together with your family member in your country of departure.
- document on family ties.
- The document must be legalised if it has been issued by a country that is not a Nordic country or an EU Member State.
If you are some other relative, attach the following documents to your application:
- evidence of being dependent on someone. This could be, for instance, a document regarding your health, your need of assistance and the financial support you are getting from your relative. You can also submit evidence of having lived together with your relative in your country of departure.
- document on family ties.
- The document must be legalised if it has been issued by a country that is not a Nordic country or an EU Member State.
If you apply for EU registration on the basis of sufficient financial resources, attach to your application the following documents:
- evidence of having sufficient financial resources for yourself and your family members, for example:
- evidence of regular income, such as pensions or rental income.
- evidence of property.
- some of your most recent bank statements.
- If you have a sponsor who supports you financially, attach a written statement from your sponsor confirming that he or she gives you financial support during your stay in Finland. The money you get from your sponsor must be at your disposal. In addition, submit documents that will help us assess the sponsorship, for instance:
- your sponsor’s most recent bank statements showing the name of the account holder and all account transactions
- your sponsor’s payslips
- proof of placing financial resources at your disposal.
You must present the original documents when you visit the service point. If the documents are not in Finnish, Swedish or English, they must be accompanied by a translation into one of these languages made by an authorised translator.
A document that has been issued by an authority in an EU Member State concerning birth, marriage, registered partnership or death does not need to be translated, if you attach to the document a multilingual standard form issued by the authority.
Apply for the EU registration:
Fill in the application in our online service Enter Finland.
If you cannot use Enter Finland, fill in a paper application. You will find a link to the application at the bottom of this page.
You can only apply for the registration when you are in Finland. You cannot apply for the registration of your right of residence before you have moved to Finland on a permanent basis.
You need to fill in and submit the application yourself. Your employer or family member, for example, cannot apply for the registration on your behalf. However, you can submit an application on behalf of your child.
If you submit an online application in Enter Finland, pay the processing fee:
- with a credit card or with Finnish online banking credentials when you submit the application; or
- when you visit a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service to prove your identity.
If you submit a paper application, pay the processing fee at a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service.
Book an appointment in our appointment system ( to visit a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service.
When you visit the service point, bring with you:
- your valid passport or identity card
- originals and copies of the documents that you attach to your application
- If your attachments are not in Finnish, Swedish or English, they must be accompanied by a translation into one of these languages by an authorised translator.
- However, a document that has been issued by an authority of an EU Member State concerning birth, marriage, registered partnership or death does not need to be translated if you attach to the document a multilingual standard form issued by the authority.
Read more on the page Book an appointment at a service point in advance.
As an EU citizen, you will be issued with a registration certificate once you have presented sufficient evidence of meeting the requirements for registration.
- If you apply for EU registration on the basis of employment, for example, you can be registered only after your employment relationship has begun.
- If you apply for EU registration on the basis of studies, your right of residence can be registered only after your studies have started.
If you have applied online, you can log in to Enter Finland and supplement your application there.
If you have submitted a paper application, you can supplement it by post or by bringing additional documents to a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service during opening hours. For more information, see the page Notify us of changes.
You may cancel your application at any time during its processing. In that case, the application fee will usually not be refunded.
If you meet the requirements for registration and have presented the necessary attachments, you can get a registration certificate immediately when you visit a service point to prove your identity. You will be given a paper certificate that contains your name and address as well as the date of registration.
If you cannot get a decision immediately due to missing attachments, you will get the registration certificate later into your Enter Finland account or by post.
- If you have submitted an online application, you will receive an email or a text message notification when a decision has been made.
- If the decision on your online application is positive, you can print out your registration certificate from Enter Finland.
If you wish to obtain a Finnish identity card, you can apply for one from the police after the Finnish Immigration Service has registered your right of residence. For information on how to apply for an identity card, see the website of the Finnish police ( If you wish to obtain a municipality of residence and a permanent address, please contact the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (
If you are not satisfied with the decision, you have a statutory right to appeal against the decision to an administrative court. Instructions on how to appeal are attached to the decision.
The majority of decisions made by administrative courts are subject to a fee. For more information about court fees in administrative courts, see the website for Finnish courts (
Registration of the right of residence of a citizen of the European Union, EU_REK
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