Backlogs in the processing of residence permits for studies

Publication date 25.8.2023 8.00
Type:Press release

We are currently experiencing backlogs in the processing of students’ residence permit applications. At the moment, there are approximately 1,780 first applications for a residence permit for studies waiting for a decision. We apologise for the situation.

Most applications are processed within less than a month

Approximately 60 per cent of those who apply for a first residence permit for studies get a decision within 30 days or less.

We are working on clearing the backlogs and aim to decide all pending applications as soon as possible. We will contact you if additional information is needed for your application.

To follow the processing queue, please see our website. We are publishing weekly updates about the queue of applications.

Increase in residence permit applications from students

This year, the number of applications for a first residence permit for studies has been high, which has led to long processing queues. In January–July 2022, we received 5,911 applications for a residence permit for studies, whereas in January–July 2023, we received 8,762 applications.

Another factor that has affected the processing times is the large number of incoming D visa applications, especially in situations where a D visa is not necessarily needed. Further, the D visa applications have required a higher degree of manual processing. Applying for a long-term D visa has been possible for students since the spring of 2023.

By the end of July 2023, we have managed to process more applications this year than ever before during the same time period. The partial automation that we are using to process students' residence permit applications is making the decision process faster.

We estimate that the backlog will be cleared by the end of the year for the most part.

Things to consider if you do not get a residence permit on time, if you cannot start your studies this autumn or if you choose to postpone your studies

  1. You have been granted a residence permit but cannot start your studies this autumn. Instead, your studies will begin in January.
    • In this case, you do not need to notify us of your rescheduled start. You may arrive in Finland with your residence permit when your studies begin.
  2. Your residence permit is still being processed and you cannot start your studies this autumn.
    • Send us a message in Enter Finland stating that the beginning of your studies is about to be postponed. You can send the message under ‘Send additional information’.
  3. You have been granted a residence permit but decide to postpone the start date of your studies.
    • Send us a message to migri(at) stating that you will start your studies on a later date.
    • Mention the new start date in your message.
    • Travel to Finland only when your studies will begin. If you are not studying, your residence permit may be withdrawn.
  4. You are in Finland with a residence permit for studies and have applied for an extended permit.
    • You may continue your studies while you wait for a decision. If you applied for an extended permit before your previous residence permit expired, you may work, too.


Funded by the European Union. NextGenerationEU.