Humanitarian protection no longer granted from 16 May 2016 – other grounds needed for extended permit

Publication date 9.5.2016 16.00
Type:Press release

Finland has been able to grant asylum seekers humanitarian protection if the requirements for asylum or subsidiary protection have not been met. Starting from 16 May 2016, this type of international protection will no longer exist due to an amendment to the Aliens Act.

This means that starting from 16 May 2016, residence permits can no longer be granted on the basis of humanitarian protection.

Other grounds also needed for extended permits

After the amendment to the Act, extended permits will also no longer be granted on the basis of humanitarian protection.

If you have arrived in Finland as an asylum seeker and been granted a first residence permit on the basis of humanitarian protection, you need other grounds to be granted an extended permit. The most common grounds for obtaining a residence permit are

  • studies
  • working
  • self-employment
  • family ties to Finland.

You can find information about the grounds for applying for a residence permit on the website of the Finnish Immigration Service and the website of the police: and

You need to apply for an extended residence permit at a police service point before your previous residence permit expires. The new requirements for granting a residence permit will be applied to residence permit applications that are decided after the amendment has entered into force.

The amendment to the Act does not influence the validity of residence permits that have already been granted. The residence permit is valid until the date marked on the residence permit card.

Support for re-integration in the case of voluntary return

If you lack the grounds for being granted a residence permit, you must leave Finland. The police and the Finnish Immigration Service initiate proceedings for removing foreign nationals who lack a valid residence permit from the country.

A person who returns home voluntarily can apply for assistance from the Finnish Immigration Service. More information:

Customer bulletin