Residence permits of people who have fled Ukraine will be automatically extended until 4 March 2024

Publication date 19.1.2023 10.19
Type:Press release

Starting from 19 January 2023, the Finnish Immigration Service will extend all residence permits granted on the basis of temporary protection so that the permits are valid until 4 March 2024. This means that clients who have fled to Finland from Ukraine do not need to do anything to get their permit extended.

In future, all residence permits that the Finnish Immigration Service grants on the basis of temporary protection will be valid until 4 March 2024.

“Normally, clients who wish to extend their residence permits would need to submit an application. Now that the law concerning these permits has been amended, we can extend the permits without requiring any action from the client,” says Regional Head of Section Minna Serradj from the Asylum Unit.

Clients will receive a letter containing information about the extension of their residence permit and about their residence permit card. In addition, a text message will be sent to clients who have given their phone number to the Finnish Immigration Service.

“If you have applied for or been granted temporary protection, it is important that your reception centre has your current contact information,” says Serradj.

Flexible arrangements made concerning residence permit cards of clients from Ukraine

All residence permits and residence permit cards that have been granted on the basis of temporary protection will be valid until 4 March 2024. A residence permit card can be used to prove, for instance, that a person is staying legally in Finland and has the right to work.

Normally, a residence permit card must be renewed when it expires. Now, clients who have been granted temporary protection can continue using their old residence permit card. They also have the option to apply for a new residence permit card free of charge. Applications can be submitted online in Enter Finland starting from 25 January 2023. The updated validity period of the permit will be printed on the new card.

Those who have lived in Finland for one year can apply for a municipality of residence

People who have been granted temporary protection can apply for a municipality of residence on the basis of one-year residence in Finland. Applications can be submitted at the earliest on 1 March 2023. Those with a municipality of residence will have a broader access to services than those who stay as clients of a reception centre.

“When Ukrainian clients get a municipality of residence, the municipality and the wellbeing services county will provide them with the services they need, and they will no longer be clients of a reception centre. That said, no one will be left without services. Clients who choose not to apply for a municipality of residence will remain clients of their reception centre and will continue to receive services that way,” says Head of Section Olli Snellman from the Reception Unit.

Media inquiries

  • Temporary protection and residence permit cards: Regional Head of Section Minna Serradj, Asylum Unit, email:, tel. 0295 433 037
  • Reception: Head of Section Olli Snellman, Reception Unit, email:, tel. 0295 433 037