Automated post-decision monitoring of startup entrepreneurs’ residence permits to begin

Publication date 24.4.2024 10.15
Type:Press release

Automated post-decision monitoring of startup entrepreneurs' residence permits will begin on 24 April 2024. Post-decision monitoring means that we check whether you still meet the requirements for your residence permit.

We will conduct automated post-decision monitoring of startup entrepreneurs' residence permits issued on 1 January 2023 or thereafter. 

We may conduct automatic register checks in a selection of national registers, including the registers of Kela, the Incomes Register (, and the Population Information System of Finland ( The purpose of the register checks is to help us assess whether you still meet the requirements for the permit. We will check that you have moved to Finland, for example.

Read more about the requirements for the residence permit for a startup entrepreneur.  

If there is reason to consider the withdrawal of your residence permit, we will make a case-by-case assessment of your situation 

If there is reason to consider the withdrawal of your residence permit, a case-by-case assessment will be made by a specialist from the Finnish Immigration Service. Before we decide to cancel a permit, we will always ask you and your family member who lives in Finland of your opinions on the possible withdrawal of the permit. See the page Withdrawal of residence permits for more information on when a residence permit may be withdrawn.

As a customer, you do not need to take any action at this point. We will contact you if we need any information from you.

Why do we monitor startup entrepreneurs' residence permits?

Post-decision monitoring is an important tool in ensuring internal security, preventing misuse of the permit system and preventing illegal entry into Finland and illegal residence in the country. Post-decision monitoring will also help us detect labour exploitation and human trafficking. We have carried out post-decision monitoring of different permit types since 2017.

For more information, see:

Customer bulletin