Competitive tendering procedure for IT services related to immigration matters completed

Publication date 6.9.2024 12.00
Type:Press release

The Finnish Immigration Service has now completed the competitive tendering procedure for procurement of specialist services for the maintenance and development of the agency’s information resources and services and the digital case management system for immigration matters (UMA).

“The purpose of the procurement is to enhance the systems utilised in digital case management and the digital services used in immigration administration. These systems are essential tools in our decision-making processes. The competitive tendering procedure included the case management system for immigration matters and, as part of that system, the online service Enter Finland,” says Tarmo Jukarainen, Director of Information Management.

The case management system for immigration matters is used by several Finnish authorities, including the Finnish Immigration Service, the police, the Finnish Border Guard and Finnish embassies and consulates abroad. The system furthers a seamless and controlled entry into the country and advances national security.

Procurement lots and service providers selected for award of contract

The procurement consists of the following lots:

  • Lot 1: maintenance and development
  • Lot 2: client support.

Lot 1 involves maintenance and development, including the development, modernisation and maintenance of Enter Finland and the UMA system. The services requested as part of this lot include system maintenance, architecture planning, and designing and programming of new functions.

Lot 2 involves specialist services to support the Finnish Immigration Service. These include the planning of service migration, operating models and data security solutions, and the modernisation of architecture, production of reports and assessments, and services related to quality control.

As a result of the competitive tendering procedure, the following service providers were selected for award of contract:

  • Lot 1
    • Accenture Oy, responsible for 100% of maintenance and 50% of development
    • twoday Oy, responsible for 50% of development
  • Lot 2
    • Digia Finland Oy, responsible for 100% of client support.

“The selected service providers offer solution-oriented and innovative specialist services that will help make our systems even more user-friendly and cost-effective than before. We aim to create a modern, secure and easily maintained set of systems that can be flexibly modified so that we can meet the needs of customers, employers and other relevant parties. At the same time, we will implement a multi-vendor model in our digital services development while updating our operating models and using modern agile methods,” says Jukarainen. 

IT system development supports the efficiency of operations

A comparison of tenders was made between all tenderers who satisfied the suitability requirements. The comparison was conducted based on the selection criteria stated in the invitation to participate.

Six tenders arrived before the deadline set for submitting tenders. The best price-quality ratio had been defined as grounds for selection. The price amounted for 40% and quality for 60%. As part of the quality comparison, group interviews were conducted with the tenderers’ specialists.

The estimated value of the procurements to be made during the framework agreement period is 55–110 million euros. The duration of both framework agreements is three years, with an option of extending the agreements by one year. The value of the procurements is divided between lots as follows:

  • Lot 1: 50–100 million euros
  • Lot 2: 5–10 million euros.

The Finnish Immigration Service is not bound by the estimated minimum value of the procurement.

The Finnish Immigration Service will make procurements within the lots depending on the agency’s needs and funding situation. The Finnish Immigration Service will also use EU funding sources to implement these procurements. The agency’s goal is to further improve cost-effectiveness in the future.

Both national and EU-level legislation regarding immigration will undergo many changes in near future. These changes will affect the processes in the case management system as well. Moving forward, the Finnish Immigration Service aims to enable even more efficient case management in the coming years. One tool that will help achieve this goal is IT system development.

An appeal period for the procurement is currently being observed.

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