If you have fled Ukraine and have applied or are planning to apply for temporary protection in Finland, you can now get the right to work more quickly

Publication date 8.4.2022 15.44
Type:Press release

You no longer need to wait for a decision on your application before starting work or studies. From now on, you will have the right to work as soon as you register your application with the police or a border control authority.

During registration, the police or border control authority will provide you with a printed certificate proving your right to work. Your right to work is unrestricted, meaning that you can find employment in any field.

If you have already applied for temporary protection but have not received a certificate from the police or border control authority,

we can send you the certificate by email. Send your request for the certificate to migri@migri.fi. 

If you don't yet have employment and have no need for a certificate, you can simply wait for the decision on your application. The decision and residence permit card contain the necessary information on your right to work. The estimated processing time for temporary protection applications is currently about two weeks. Applicants for temporary protection receive a decision by post about three weeks from the date on which the application is registered with the police or a border control authority.

Our instructions are being updated

We are in the process of updating our instructions related to temporary protection and the right to work, which can be found in English at migri.fi/en/ukraine and in Finnish at migri.fi/ukraina. Due to the time required for translations, the updated instructions will not be available in English immediately. This bulletin therefore contains the most up-to-date information available on the right to work of those fleeing Ukraine.

More information

Temporary protection