New employee announcement form on Enter Finland for Employers as of 31 October 2024, old announcements to be deleted

Publication date 24.10.2024 10.09

The employee announcement form in the Enter Finland for Employers service will be updated. As of 31 October, there will be a new and simplified employee announcement form, making it quicker and easier for employers to submit the announcement. You must submit an employee announcement if you are employing a person from outside the EU/EEA countries.

Employee announcements can be submitted using the online service Enter Finland for Employers. Due to the update, there will be a service break on 30 October at about 17–23. During the service break, announcements cannot be submitted.

The employee announcements that you submit will usually be stored on your Enter Finland for Employers account for 30 days. Due to the update, announcements submitted on 30 October or earlier will disappear from your account. 

  • If you wish to see the announcements that you have submitted within the last 30 days, you must save them before the service break in the evening of 30 October. 
  • If there are announcement drafts on your account on 30 October but you have not submitted them, the drafts will disappear when the service break begins. 
  • Announcements submitted on 31 October or thereafter will remain on your account as usual for 30 days.

Instructions on how to submit an employee announcement:

Private individuals who are employers but do not have a Business ID cannot use Enter Finland for Employers to submit their employee announcement. You do not need to submit an employee announcement if your employee is only now applying for a residence permit and you have already added or will add the terms of employment to the employee’s application.

Work permit services of TE Offices to be transferred to Finnish Immigration Service on 1 January 2025 

As of 1 January 2025, the Finnish Immigration Service will be responsible for all residence permit matters for employed persons. The shift of responsibility aims to enhance the customer experience and to ensure an even more seamless process. The changes are part of the overall reform of employment and economic development services in Finland.

Customer bulletin