The Finnish Immigration Service to establish new reception centres on 8 September

Publication date 8.9.2022 9.23

The Finnish Immigration Service is preparing to set up new reception centres due to the increased need to provide accommodation for people fleeing Ukraine. Most of those fleeing Ukraine are staying in private accommodation.

By 6 September 2022, those fleeing Ukraine due to the Russian military attack had submitted 38,243 applications for temporary protection.

Some of the reception centres to be established are branches of existing reception centres. The Finnish Immigration Service continues to increase the number of accommodation places in existing reception centres. 

At the moment, there are 83 reception centres, their secondary branches and service points for people in private accommodation, and eight reception units for minors. 

The Finnish Immigration Service is responsible for directing, planning and supervising the operations of the reception system. The Finnish Immigration Service reception centres are located in Helsinki, Lappeenranta (Joutseno) and Oulu. The other reception centres are maintained by organisations, Finnish municipalities and companies.

New reception centres as of 8 September 2022

  • Uusikaupunki reception centre, Medivida Oy, 200 places. Opens by 15 September 2022.

Centres opened in July 2022:

  • Nurmijärvi branch of the Järvenpää reception centre, Kotokunta Oy, 100 places. Opened 1 July 2022.
  • Mäntsälä branch of the Järvenpää reception centre, Kotokunta Oy, 100 places. Opened 1 July 2022.
  • Tuusula branch of the Järvenpää reception centre, Kotokunta Oy, 100 places. Opened 1 July 2022.
  • Kankaanpää reception centre, Medivida Oy, 200 places. Opened 1 July 2022.

Further information:

Further information for the media:

Heikki Väätämöinen, Head of Section, tel. +358 295 433 037, email: