Turva project seeks to promote asylum seekers’ integration into Finnish society

Publication date 24.5.2017 9.46
Press release

The Oulu reception centre, National Police Board and Police University College are running a joint project (TURVA) to promote asylum seekers’ conception of civil and human rights and their understanding of Finnish society, and to prevent crimes being committed by asylum seekers.

The project is seeking to help asylum seekers integrate into society through three main approaches:

  • Collating research data on criminal activity associated with asylum seekers
  • Creating video materials for asylum seekers
  • Providing reception centre personnel with training on anti-violence working practices

Although there has been public debate on crimes perpetrated by asylum seekers, there is relatively little research data on the topic. The TURVA project will analyse criminal activity associated with asylum seekers with the aid of Police IT systems. A report will be published on the results of the research section of the project.

In the educational materials section, new video materials will be designed and created for asylum seekers. The videos will cover civil and human rights, key points of criminal law, police operations, and the criminal justice system. Immigrants will be involved in the design and creation of the material as experts by experience.

In the anti-violence and training section, the project will gather data on anti-violence working practices among men and train reception centre personnel in pilot teams. The functionality of these working practices will be evaluated throughout the project’s duration. At the end of the project, personnel from reception centres will attend an extensive programme of nationwide training. An anti-violence guide for reception centre personnel will be drawn up on the basis of these developmental activities and training.

The promotion of asylum seekers’ conception of civil and human rights and the prevention of crime among asylum seekers, aka the TURVA project, is receiving funding from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

Additional information for the media

Project Manager Seija Hämäläinen, +358 (0)295 463 129, email forename.surname@migri.fi

Press release