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We continue our current practices of granting temporary and extended residence permits until 31 December 2021

Publication date 24.2.2021 15.15
Press release

It is possible to apply for a temporary residence permit on the basis of the coronavirus pandemic until 31 December 2021. We also continue our practice that allows us to grant you an extended permit even if your income is temporarily lower than required due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Temporary residence permit due to travel restrictions

In certain situations, you can apply for a temporary residence permit if you cannot travel to your home country or your country of permanent residence because of the restrictions introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic. Temporary residence permits that are granted because of the coronavirus restrictions are valid until 31 December 2021. The date when the application becomes pending does not affect the period of validity of the residence permit. For more information, please see our web page

You can also apply for an extended permit on the basis of travel restrictions if you cannot travel to your home country or country of permanent residence due to the coronavirus restrictions. If you have a temporary residence permit that expires on 31 March, you can apply for an extended permit if you still cannot travel to your home country. For more information, please see the page

Extended permits and the effect of lower income

The Finnish Immigration Service can grant you an extended permit even if your income is temporarily lower than required. Your lower income must result from the coronavirus pandemic, and you can have lower income for a maximum period of six months. In this way, we want to make sure that the exceptional situations caused by the coronavirus, such as breaks in your employment relationship, do not affect your residence in Finland.

The exception to the income requirement is not automatic for all applications for an extended permit. The Finnish Immigration Service checks that your situation is caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The exception will be applied until 31 December 2021.

For more information, see our customer bulletin: The Finnish Immigration Service takes the effects of the coronavirus on income and studies into account when you apply for an extended permit

More information

Customer bulletin