Oulu reception centre operations change – Ukrainian refugees to be relocated within the region

Publication date 25.11.2023 13.15 | Published in English on 7.12.2023 at 15.25
Type:Press release

The relocation of Ukrainians from Oulu is cancelled and other accommodation is being found for them, as the Oulu reception centre is now needed for the use of the security authorities. The Finnish Immigration Service apologised for the inconvenience caused to Ukrainians.

The Finnish Immigration Service temporarily moved Ukrainians from Oulu to other reception centres. The reason for the transfers was a change in the operation of the Oulu Reception Centre due to the situation at the Eastern border. The Finnish Immigration Service is changing the use of the centre and makes arrangements to facilitate the work of the security authorities and also to prepare for the opening of a registration centre in Oulu.

Therefore, it was no longer feasible for the Oulu reception centre to host the same number of clients as previously.

“There is no other reception centre accommodation immediately available in Oulu, but in this exceptional situation we are looking into other housing solutions other than moving people to centres far away from Oulu. This means we will obtain more housing in the Oulu region and ensure that Ukrainians do not have to leave the area. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to the Ukrainians. It was not a question of prioritising clients, but of changing the operations of the Oulu centre to meet the needs of internal security”, says Ilkka Haahtela, Director General of the Finnish Immigration Service.

When planning the relocation, the Finnish Immigration Service did not take sufficient account of, for example, school attendance, and the move was organised on an unreasonably tight schedule to the nearest available reception centre. The new arrangements take into account the long distances in the Oulu region and ensure that Ukrainians can stay in the area.

“The distances from Oulu to other reception centres are long, so it is clear that the move caused inconvenience to our clients. In the early part of this week, we will be in contact with all customers relocated during the past week to discuss accommodation options in the Oulu area", says Haahtela.

Many Ukrainians have lived in Finland for more than a year, so it is also possible for them to apply for a municipality of residence and move to Oulu as a resident.

“I would urge Ukrainians to apply for a municipal residence, if possible. It offers an avenue of settling more permanently in the area and integration into the local community," says Haahtela.

Further information to the media:

Ilkka Haahtela, Director General, tel. +358 (0)295 433 037, e-mail: firstname.lastname@migri.fi