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Seasonal workers can change employers more smoothly from 17.6.2021 onwards

Publication date 17.6.2021 8.26
Type:Press release

If a seasonal worker plans to work for a new employer during the validity of their seasonal work permit, they no longer have to apply for a new residence permit or seasonal work certificate. Instead, they can apply for adding a new employer.

A seasonal worker may start work with a new employer as soon as they have submitted their application and the required appendices. They do not have to wait for the decision on the application. Read the instructions on adding a new employer

A seasonal worker may work for the new employer for as long as their seasonal work permit remains valid. If the employment lasts longer than their current seasonal work permit is valid, they must apply for a new residence permit or seasonal work certificate. 

Adding a new employer may be applied for from 17 June 2021 onwards, when the new seasonal work legislation enters into force. 

The new seasonal work legislation  

Some of the changes brought by the new seasonal legislation will not affect workers until the 2022 season. The upgrades of technical systems will be completed next year.  

The amendment of the seasonal work legislation will bring the following changes:

  • The employer may report all employee information at one go.
    • If the terms of employment are the same for every employee, the employer needs to report the terms of employment through Enter Finland for EmployersLink to an external website, Opens in a new tab only once. 
    • This reporting option will be available from 2022. For the time being, the employer must report the terms of employment for each employee separately through Enter Finland for Employers. 
  • Seasonal workers returning to work for their previous employer.
    • If a seasonal worker is returning to work for their previous employer, they do not need to fill in all the fields on the application form. 
    • The new application will be available on Enter Finland from 2022. However, we recommend that this year’s applications are submitted through Enter Finland because the online application will cost less and be processed faster than paper applications. 
    • From 17 June 2021 onwards, certain fields on the paper application may be left empty. Read more detailed instructions for seasonal workers returning to work for their previous employer

Language versions

Versions in Ukrainian and Russian will be added later.

Updated 1.7.2021: A translation to Russian added to the language versions.

Customer bulletin