Quarantine at the Espoo Reception Centre ends

Publication date 15.5.2020 11.38 | Published in English on 15.5.2020 at 16.14
Type:Press release

The City of Espoo infectious diseases unit placed the Espoo Reception Centre under quarantine on 30 April 2020 as a result of a number of coronavirus infections at the Centre. The quarantine ends today, on 15 May 2020.

The entire personnel and over 300 of the asylum seekers residents at the Centre have now been tested. So far 128 clients have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus. Of these, 100 have already been declared healthy.

Those infected remain in isolation until they are found to be free of the virus. Those who have recovered from the infection have been able to move freely within and outside the Centre during the quarantine. 

Luona Oy are responsible for the day-to-day operations and practical arrangements of the reception centre in Espoo. Luona work in collaboration with the Finnish Immigration Service and the health authorities.

Most cases found in Uusimaa

So far, a total of about 147 clients of reception centres have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus. Of these, about 105 have already been declared healthy. Most of the cases have been diagnosed in Uusimaa. 

Most of those who had contracted the virus showed only mild symptoms or were asymptomatic. None of the residents at reception centres have been admitted to a hospital for COVID-19.

- The network of reception centres has succeeded well in managing the pandemic. On the one hand, the wide range of protective measures adopted at the Centres have stopped the spreading of the disease and, on the other hand, the Centre has been able to shield the most vulnerable risk groups while continuing the operations and providing the key services to the residents. ‘A big thank you for this achievement goes to the entire reception centre staff,’ says Pekka Nuutinen, Director of the Reception Unit.

The Finnish Immigration Service is tasked with guiding, planning and monitoring the operation of reception centres in Finland. The centres are maintained by parties such as municipalities, companies and NGOs. The Finnish Immigration Service is responsible for two state-run reception centres in Oulu and Joutseno, as well as detention units in Helsinki and Joutseno.

Further information for the media

  • Finnish Immigration Service: Pekka Nuutinen, Director of the Reception Unit, tel. +358 295 433 037, firstname.lastname@migri.fi
  • Luona Oy: Suvi Salonen, Business Director, tel. +358 40 528 5779, firstname.lastname@luona.fi