Second set of reception centre operations put out to tender, 17 new reception centres to open

Publication date 26.5.2023 10.40

The Finnish Immigration Service has issued procurement decisions regarding the establishment of new reception centres in multiple geographical areas. A total of 17 new reception centres were procured through competitive tendering. The new reception centres include apartment-based reception centres, collective accommodation centres, and a transit centre.

The first phase of the tendering process was carried out in autumn 2022 and involved tendering for reception centres in 8 regions. The second phase, which has now been completed, involved competitive tendering for reception centre operations in 9 geographical areas: West Uusimaa; Vantaa, Kerava, Central Uusimaa and East Uusimaa; Southwest Finland; Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia; Kymenlaakso; Satakunta; South Ostrobothnia; Kainuu; Åland.

This time, the Finnish Immigration Service decided to restrict the number of categories that one supplier can win, meaning that a company was able to become the selected supplier in two categories at the most. A total of 15 suppliers submitted tenders.

“Our aim was to ensure supplier diversity and as high quality of suppliers as possible without compromising cost-effectiveness. Making the market as broad and thriving as possible will help us enhance the cost-effectiveness of reception activities through competition and will ensure a better preparedness and availability of capacity in case of large-scale influxes of migrants,” says Elina Nurmi, Director of Reception Unit.

New reception centres opening as soon as possible

The Finnish Immigration Service arranged the competitive tendering in cooperation with Hansel, the central purchasing body for the public administration in Finland. The tendering process was carried out nationally, and a dynamic purchasing system is applied. Suppliers meeting a predetermined set of criteria can join the system during the entire validity period, that is, until 31 December 2027.

The value of the procurement is approximately EUR 250 million for the period 2022–2027. The final sum depends on, among other factors, the number of clients in reception centres and on how long the reception centres will be in operation. The accommodation capacity of each reception centre that was now put out to tender is 300 beds. The contracts awarded are valid until further notice.

The reception centres are supposed to open as soon as possible.

“The results of the tendering process mean that some of our clients may need to change reception centres. However, if current clients need to transfer, we aim to transfer them to a reception centre that is in the same area where their current reception centre is located. We will inform our clients of any changes as early as possible,” says Nurmi.

At present, Finland has altogether 107 reception centres, their secondary branches and service points for clients in private accommodation, as well as 10 reception units for minors.  Approximately 45,500 people are currently registered as clients in the reception system. Approximately 35 per cent of them live in private accommodation and 14 per cent live in municipalities as part of the municipal model for accommodation. Most reception system clients have fled to Finland from Ukraine.

The Finnish Immigration Service is responsible for directing, planning and supervising the operations of the reception system. The reception centres maintained by the Finnish Immigration Service are located in Helsinki, Lappeenranta (Joutseno) and Oulu. The other reception centres are maintained by, for instance, non-governmental organisations, Finnish municipalities and private companies.

Contracts awarded by category:

  • Category 1 West Uusimaa: Luona Oy
  • Category 2 Vantaa and Kerava, Central Uusimaa and East Uusimaa: Luona Oy
  • Category 3 Southwest Finland: SPR Varsinais-Suomen Piiri
  • Category 4 Ostrobothnia and Central Ostrobothnia: Pohjanmaan Maahanmuuttokeskus Oy
  • Category 5 Kymenlaakso: Kotokunta Oy
  • Category 6 Satakunta: SPR Satakunnan Piiri
  • Category 7 South Ostrobothnia: Kotokunta Oy
  • Category 8 Kainuu: Babando Oy
  • Category 9 Åland: Babando Oy

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