Update of work-based residence permit application forms on Enter Finland completed on 5 June 2024

Publication date 6.6.2024 10.00
Type:Press release

We have completed the previously announced reform of the work-based residence permit application forms of Enter Finland on 5 June 2024. Now, Enter Finland users who apply for a residence permit on the basis of work are directed by Enter Finland to the right application form after a set of initial questions. The application form is pre-filled based on the user's answers.

Before the update, applicants looking to apply for a residence permit on the basis of work had to navigate Enter Finland or the Migri.fi website to find and select an application that suits their situation.

The update of Enter Finland application forms concerns the following residence permits:

  • Residence permit for an employed person ('TTOL')
  • Residence permit for a specialist
  • EU Blue Card
  • Residence permit for a person who has completed a qualification or degree or conducted research in Finland
  • Residence permit for a researcher
  • Residence permit for internship
  • Residence permit for working holiday
  • Residence permit for work in the top or middle management of a company
  • Residence permit for a specialist, manager or trainee on the basis of intra-corporate transfer (‘ICT residence permit’)
  • Residence permit for a consultant
  • Residence permit for an athlete or a coach
  • Residence permit for work in the field of culture or the arts
  • Residence permit for work in the field of mass media
  • Residence permit for voluntary work
  • Residence permit for a visiting teacher, lecturer or instructor 
  • Residence permit for work in the service of a religious community
  • Residence permit for work in an international organisation or in duties concerning official cooperation between states
  • Residence permit for preparation of a company’s establishment in Finland and for supervision of orders
  • Residence permit for delivery of a machine or system
  • Residence permit for work that is part of an intergovernmental agreement

The purpose of reforming the application forms of Enter Finland was to ensure that the customer will select the right application. Completing an incorrect application form slows down the processing of the application.

The printable paper application forms of these permits will remain unchanged. The Application Finder on our website will always help you find the right application.