New videos describe asylum process to asylum seekers

Publication date 22.1.2020 12.13
Type:Press release

Today, a new series of videos has been published about the various stages of the asylum process. The videos are part of the general legal counselling provided to asylum seekers. The counselling refers to providing general information about the asylum process and assisting with access to legal aid, which are relevant to the duties of reception centres.

‘We have done a great deal of cooperation with asylum seekers and reception centres. For us, it is important that asylum seekers regard the videos as clear and that they cover their need for information as well as possible,’ says Project Manager Nada Al Omair.

General legal counselling is provided by all reception centres, but there are some differences in their practices from one centre to another. The goal of the Finnish Immigration Service is that all applicants residing in reception centres will receive the same information.

Videos in nine languages

The new videos give a concrete description of all stages of the asylum process. The videos are available for viewing on the Finnish Immigration Service YouTube channel.

‘Most asylum seekers attend information sessions held at reception centres, but various reasons may make it more difficult for them to receive information. Therefore, it is important that information is available at all times,’ Ms Al Omair says.

The videos are available in nine languages. People who cannot read or write as well as other groups with special needs have been taken into account in producing the materials.

The Information for the Asylum Seekers brochure has been updated

The Information in this brochure, which is distributed to asylum seekers, has been updated. Applicants receive the brochure from the police or border guard authorities when they apply for asylum. The brochure is also available on the Finnish Immigration Service website.

‘We have paid special attention to ensuring that the language is simple and that everyone can understand it. There is also a special brochure for children who have arrived without a guardian,’ Ms Al Omair continues.

The brochure has been prepared in 14 languages in total – meaning all the languages most commonly spoken by asylum seekers. All the materials have been prepared in co-operation with reception centres and applicants.

The ONE project has been funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the EU.

FACTS: Asylum seekers receive general information about the asylum process at reception centres

  • General legal counselling at the reception centres refers to providing general information about the asylum process, its various stages, and the applicant’s rights and obligations as related to the same. Asylum seekers also receive advice on how to contact the parties providing legal aid and, if necessary, get help in obtaining access to legal aid.
  • Social workers, social instructors and counsellors in particular provide general legal counselling to asylum seekers at the reception centres.
  • Videos and written materials are used as aids in providing general legal counselling.
  • The reception centre does not provide actual legal aid. Legal aid is offered by public legal aid offices and lawyers’ offices. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for arranging it.

Further information for the media

  • Project Manager Nada Al Omair, email:, tel. +358 295 433 037
  • Watch the videos on YouTube and read the Information in the Asylum Seekers brochure on the Finnish Immigration Service website.