Have you applied for a residence permit or a new residence permit card in Finland? The residence permit card will be delivered to a DB Schenker Collection Point
From March 2023 onwards, residence permit cards in Finland will be delivered by DB Schenker instead of Matkahuolto. If you receive a positive decision on your application on or after 13 March 2023, you will need to pick up your residence permit card from a DB Schenker Collection Point.
If you have received a positive decision on your application before 13 March, you will receive your card via Matkahuolto. Check the pick-up point from the notice of arrival.
DB Schenker is a transport service with Collection Points throughout Finland, for example in many K-Markets and R-kioskis. Your card will be sent to your nearest DB Schenker Collection Point within about 2 weeks of the Finnish Immigration Service making a decision on your application.
This delivery method is also used for the residence cards of family members of EU citizens.
You will receive a notice of arrival via text message and e-mail
You will receive a notice of arrival via text message and e-mail once your card had arrived at the Collection Point. The notice of arrival will include:
- the DB Schenker item ID;
- the address of the Collection Point; and
- the last pickup date.
You need to pick up your card from the Collection Point within 14 days of receiving the notice of arrival.
Bring the item ID and the customer number to the Collection Point
When you pick up your card, please bring with you:
- the notice of arrival sent by DB Schenker indicating the item ID; and
- your customer number, in other words your PIN code. You can find your customer number in the certificate of a pending application provided by the Finnish Immigration Service or your old residence permit card.
- If you applied for a residence permit or a card in Enter Finland, you will find the certificate of a pending application in Enter Finland.
- If you applied on paper, you can pick up a certificate of a pending application from a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service.
If you are picking up a card on behalf of another person, you will not need a power of attorney. Bring the notice of arrival sent by DB Schenker and the customer number of the person whose card you are picking up.
The new delivery method does not apply to all residence permit cards
The residence permit card will only be sent to a DB Schenker Collection Point if you are applying for a residence permit, a residence permit card or a family member’s residence card in Finland. The new delivery method does not apply if:
- you have applied for asylum;
- you have applied for a travel document at the same time as your residence permit;
- you live in the Åland Islands; or
- you have a non-disclosure for reasons of personal safety.
In these situations, your card will be delivered with a different method, such as advice of delivery or home delivery.