Possibility to submit applications by post and email ends as of 1 September

Publication date 28.8.2020 10.41
Press release

We will resume ordinary service as of 1 September 2020 after the exceptional circumstances caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In urgent matters, you can visit the service points of the Finnish Immigration Service and queue using waiting numbers. You will be able to submit an application on Enter Finland or when visiting a service point by appointment.

On Tuesday 1 September, the Finnish Immigration Service will also reopen its service point at International House Helsinki (IHH). At IHH, the Finnish Immigration Service handles EU registrations by appointment. You can book an appointment in the appointment system. New appointments become available always for a week at a time.

You can no longer institute a matter by email or by post

During the coronavirus epidemic, it was possible to submit an application on a paper form by post or by email to the Finnish Immigration Service. This option will no longer be available after 1 September 2020. If we receive an application by post after this date, it will be returned to you.  

If you have submitted your application to us by email or by post before 1 September 2020, you do not need to schedule an appointment or queue at the service point with a waiting number. You will be invited to visit the service point for identification.  There is no need to worry – just wait until we contact you!

Waiting number queues are intended for urgent applications

Our appointment bookings are busy at the moment, but we will add more slots for appointments in the autumn. You can see all the available appointment times in our booking system. Waiting numbers are for submitting urgent applications. Citizenship applications are not usually considered urgent. Read more about booking an appointment and the services of the Finnish Immigration Service.

Cancel your appointment if you have any respiratory symptoms

Even though we are beginning to offer our services as normal, the exceptional circumstances due to the coronavirus epidemic are not over yet. So, if you have any respiratory symptoms, please do not visit our service points. If you cannot come to your appointment, remember to cancel it. If you have been abroad recently, follow the quarantine guidelines provided by the authorities before visiting a service point. Read more about the use of the services offered by the Finnish Immigration Service during the coronavirus pandemic.

Changes to the phone numbers of the Customer Service in September

The service hours of our Customer Service number 0295 419 600 will change in September. In the future, the telephone service hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on weekdays. With this change, we seek to improve the services we offer for our customers. The morning hours are often the busiest in the service, so we hope to be able to help more customers with the new telephone hours.

The service line 0295 419 627, which was meant for questions about our services during the exceptional circumstances, will no longer be available after 1 September.

If you need help, use our service channels:

Customer bulletin