Do you have a residence permit for studies? This autumn, we will carry out automatic post-decision monitoring and check that you still meet the requirements for the permit

Publication date 28.9.2023 9.27
Type:Press release

As of 28 September 2023, we will carry out post-decision monitoring of students’ residence permits. Post-decision monitoring means that we check whether you still meet the requirements for the residence permit that has been granted to you. 

We are conducting automatic post-decision monitoring of permits granted to students whose studies lead to a degree. This monitoring initiative only concerns residence permits granted 1 June 2022 or later. We may conduct automatic register checks in a selection of national registers, including the register of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), the Koski register (in Finnish,, and the Population Information System of Finland ( The purpose of the register checks is to help us assess whether you still meet the requirements for the permit. 

We will, among other things, check: 

  • whether you have started your studies;
  • whether you are making progress in your studies; and
  • whether your right to study is valid.

You will also need to meet the rest of the requirements for the permit.

If there is reason to consider the withdrawal of your residence permit, we will make a case-by-case assessment of your situation 

If there is reason to consider the withdrawal of your residence permit, a case-by-case assessment will be made by a specialist from the Finnish Immigration Service. Before we decide to cancel a permit, we will always ask you and your family member who lives in Finland of your opinions on the possible withdrawal of the permit. See the page Withdrawal of residence permits for more information.

As a customer, you do not need to take any action at this point. We will contact you if we need any additional information from you.

Why do we carry out post-decision monitoring of students’ residence permits?

The legislation covering students’ residence permits was amended in 2022, making it easier for international students to focus on their studies. Now, a residence permit for studies is granted for the entire duration of the studies. This means that the residence permits that we grant are valid for several years at a time, and students do not necessarily need to apply for an extended permit at any point. Before the legislative amendments, the requirements for the permit were checked when students applied for an extended permit. Now, we are using automation to check whether you still meet the requirements for the permit that was granted to you.

Further information