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International student: Do you want to stay in Finland after graduation?

Publication date 20.5.2019 13.37
Press release

If you want to stay in Finland after you graduate, you have several different options. You will usually need a new residence permit for your stay.

Do you have a job in Finland or do you want to look for work in Finland?

If you have found a job in Finland and your residence permit for studies is still valid, you can apply for an extended permit on the basis of work. If you get the permit, you will be allowed to work without restrictions.

If you have not yet found a job, you can apply for an extended permit to look for work. Remember to apply for the extended permit before your residence permit for studies expires.

Are you conducting research in Finland?

You can apply for a residence permit for research if you have a master’s degree (a second-cycle degree) and you have signed an agreement with a research organisation. A residence permit for research includes the right to mobility within the EU.

Please note that a residence permit for research only allows you to work as a researcher.

Are you planning to start a business?

If you want to start your own business, you can apply for an extended permit to start a business. Remember to apply for the extended permit before your residence permit for studies expires.

When you have started the business, you should apply for a residence permit for an entrepreneur. Please note that a residence permit for an entrepreneur allows you to work full-time only in your own company. However, you may also have other jobs on the side.

Do you want to continue studying in Finland?

If you want to continue your studies, you can apply for an extended permit for studies. The extended permit is granted for two years, if you meet the requirements. You can also apply for the extended permit for a shorter time. If you are a postgraduate student at a university, you should apply for a residence permit for research.

A residence permit for studies allows you to work approximately 25 hours per week during the academic terms. During the academic holidays you may work as much as you want.

Did you fall in love with a Finn?

If you have found a spouse in Finland or if you have another close family member who is Finnish, you can apply for a residence permit on the basis of family ties. You can also apply for a residence permit on the basis of an established intimate relationship.

Apply for the residence permit online in the Enter Finland e-service

We recommend that you apply for your residence permit in the Enter Finland e-service. The e-service allows you to follow the processing of your application and to submit all necessary attachments.

In the e-service, you can apply for all the residence permits mentioned above except for the extended permit to look for work or to start a business.

Customer bulletin