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Tampere service point of Finnish Immigration Service will move to Hervanta in August

Publication date 1.7.2019 13.36
Press release

Our service point in Tampere will move to Hervanta to the address Tekniikankatu 1. The new service point will open on Monday 5 August 2019. Because of the move, our customer service in Tampere is closed from 29 July to 2 August.

From 5 August, we are open again in Hervanta on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8 to 16.15. The service point is closed on Thursdays.

The new service point is situated next to the Police University College in Hervanta, near the shopping centre Duo. The new service point is easily accessible by public transport. There is also a parking lot that those coming by car can use free of charge. If you travel by bus, the trip from Tampere city centre to the Hervanta service point takes about 30 minutes. Information about bus routes and timetables is available at joukkoliikenne.tampere.fi/en.

Security checks to be performed in the Hervanta service point

When entering the service point in Hervanta, you need to go through security. To reserve some extra time for the security check, please arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment. For more information about security checks, please see Security checks to be introduced at the Finnish Immigration Service.

Customer bulletin