Moni payment cards used by asylum seekers to be replaced by PFS cards in April 2019 – Moni cards will stop working on 30 April

Publication date 28.3.2019 14.39
Type:Press release

The Finnish Immigration Service will replace all valid Moni cards, which are intended for the payment of the reception allowance and wages to asylum seekers, with PFS cards in April 2019. Moni cards and the connected online banking service will stop working on 30 April 2019.

We are replacing the cards on short notice because no longer will there be support available for Moni cards. We apologise for the rapid schedule.

You can get your new card from your reception centre

  • If you have a Moni card and are a Nihtisilta, Robert Huberin tie or Ruukki reception centre client, you can get your new card from your reception centre. You do not have to take any action; your reception centre will contact you. The money on your Moni card will be transferred to your new PFS card.
  • If you have a Moni card and are a customer of a reception centre not mentioned above, please contact your reception centre. Your reception centre will order a new PFS card for you. The money on your Moni card will be transferred to your new PFS card.
  • If you do not have a payment card and are a reception centre client, you can get a PFS card for the payment of wages if certain requirements are met.

Wages should not be paid into Moni card accounts after 15 April

We recommend that wages are not paid to Moni card accounts after 15 April 2019. If you are employed, you should replace your Moni card with a PFS card as soon as possible. Please show this notification to your employer.

PFS cards are only granted for reception centre clients

If you are currently using a Moni card and are not a reception centre client, please use or withdraw your money from the Moni card account by 30 April. The card will stop working after that date.

Payment of wages into a PFS card account

Wages cannot be automatically paid into PFS card accounts. You can get the right to receive wage payments into your card account if certain requirements are met. One of the requirements is that you must present your employment contract to an employee of your reception centre. Please ask for further information about payment of wages from your reception centre.

Checklist for payment of wages:

The bank account linked to your PFS card is Irish. If you are employed, your employer can pay your wages into your PFS card account. However, your employer should note that the wages will be paid to a foreign bank account.

Each PFS card has its own account number. When an employer pays wages into a Moni card account a reference number is required. If the employee has a PFS card, a reference number is not required.

Contact your reception centre for more information

Before you receive your PFS card, you must attend a briefing where further information is provided on the use of the card and payment of wages into the card account.