Are you coming to Finland to work or study? Check out our new guides to learn how to apply for a residence permit for Finland

Publication date 15.12.2022 9.54
Type:Press release

Our new guides for employed persons and students make it easier to apply for a residence permit as they help you find exactly the information you need.

The guide helps you if you are applying for a first residence permit for studies or a first residence permit for an employed person.

When you answer the questions, the guide provides you with instructions for applying for a residence permit as well as a checklist of the required attachments.

The guide also gives instructions on applying for a municipality of residence and a personal identity code and registering family ties. The guide is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Check out our new guides for employed persons and students!

The guides are there to help you. Your answers will not be recorded or saved.

The guides are created in cooperation with the Finnish Immigration Service, the Employment and Economic Development Offices, higher education institutions, Business Finland, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and the Development and Administration Centre for the Employment and Economic Development Offices, the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Uusimaa, the Regional State Administrative Agencies, the Finnish National Agency for Education, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

On the Finnish Immigration Service’s website, you can also find the Application Finder, which helps you determine what kind of a permit you need. The guides for students and employed persons provide more detailed information about what you should take into account when applying for a residence permit.