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Further improvements to the service Enter Finland for employers

Publication date 13.7.2017 16.12
Press release

The Finnish Immigration Service’s online service for employers is improving further.

At the beginning of July, Enter Finland expanded to also include employers. Now the employers themselves can send information about the work and their business needed for the residence-permit applications and also pay for the application on behalf of their employees.

Now the usability of the service is going to improve even further: Starting from 13 July, you can also digitally authorize another person to act on your behalf in Enter Finland. The person in question does not need to be employed by the same employer. He or she can also represent a third party.

To be sure that you have the right to handle matters online for your company, we use the service Suomi.fi e-Authorizations (www.suomi.fi/valtuudet).

The Finnish Immigration Service is the first authority in Finland to start using authorizations through the service Suomi.fi e-Authorizations.

Enter Finland for employers – also for new users

You can use Enter Finland for Employers even if you have not previously used our e-service. However, you will not see the status of previously submitted applications.

You cannot use the service, if the ground for an application is multiple employments or if the employer or client does not have a business identity code.

How do I use the e-service Enter Finland as an employer? Please, read our previous customer bulletin here.

Enter Finland for Employer is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.

Customer bulletin