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Enter Finland unavailable – instructions for customers

Publication date 5.10.2021 15.45
Press release

The online service Enter Finland is currently unavailable due to a maintenance break.

The maintenance break is necessary to fix an error detected in the service. 

We apologise for the inconvenience.

We will inform our customers when the online service is available again. Follow our customer bulletins.

If your matter is urgent, this is what you should do:

If you have received a request for additional information and have not yet replied to the request, 

  • please wait patiently. You will get an additional two weeks to reply to the request. The time will start counting from the date when the sign-in problem in Enter Finland has been fixed. Even if the due date for your reply has expired by that time, you will still be able to reply to the request within two weeks of the problem getting fixed. There is no need to inform us separately that you are unable to sign in to Enter Finland. In other words, the sign-in problem does not require you to take any action at the moment. 

If you have an urgent need to submit an application,

  • please wait patiently. If your current permit is about to expire, the interruption in your permits will not be taken into account since you have not been able to submit your application for a reason caused by the Finnish authorities.

If you have received a decision in Enter Finland,

  • please wait patiently. You will be able to read your decision as soon as the problem has been fixed. There is no need to inform us separately that you are unable to sign in to Enter Finland. In other words, the problem does not require you to take any action at the moment. 

There is no need for a separate visit to a service point only because you are having a problem with signing in. Instead, you should follow the instructions given above. 

If you have an upcoming appointment at a service point but are unable to submit your application in Enter Finland,

  • please fill in a paper application form beforehand, and mention your problem to the customer service agent receiving your application.